Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tags: June Atkinson, John Tedesco, North Carolina, Public Instruction, Schools


By:  Mildred Robertson

On the way to work, I noticed a sign for John Tedesco that stated:

"John Tedesco
Our children deserve better"

I thought it was ironic that his sign would be worded in such a way, because our children truly do deserve better than John Tedesco. It would be unfortunate if the partisan politics that upended the public school system in Wake County were to suffer the same fate state wide under the leadership of someone like Tedesco. I hope that the citizens of North Carolina recognize that Tedesco's dangerous ideology is no substitute for qualified leadership. While there is room for improvement, our schools enjoy a positive national profile, a profile that was damaged when the "Tea Party" took over the board and brought havoc to the school assignment process. The disruption ended in chaos, and negatively affected business recruitment in our County, because people were reluctant to move their families to a county where so much uncertainty surrounded school assignment. The state of North Carolina deserves qualified, experienced leadership for its public school system. It is clear who holds those credentials.

Read more here: http://blogs.newsobserver.com/wakeed/john-tedesco-and-june-atkinson-argue-over-neighborhood-schools-in-race-for-state-schools-supe#comment-275504#storylink=cpy

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