By Mildred Robertson
The past four months have been a time of turmoil. We have experienced a seditionist uprising, the inauguration of a president, an organized fight to end Covid-19 through inoculation and legislation and the beginning of a trial not only of Derek Chauvin, but of the American justice system and America itself. To quote the famous novelist Charles Dickinson, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."
As the nation emerges from the incompetent and tyrannical rule of the last four years, there is hope that the Biden/Harris administration can restore good governance and move this country forward. There are hopeful signs. Biden has been able to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccinations resulting in at least 114,436,039 people or 34% of the population having started the inoculation process. Overall, 233,591,955 doses of the various vaccines have been distributed and 62,854,301 people have been fully vaccinated.
That pace of distribution dwarfs the efforts of the previous administration. The Trump administration predicted on December 15, 2020 that as many as 20 million Americans would be vaccinated by year's end. Their final result was a little over 31 million coronavirus vaccine doses distributed nationwide. They administered fewer than half of that number. But even with the Biden Amdinistration's accelerated production and distribution of the 3 vaccines found to be effective against the disease, Covid remains a threat to the nation's health and economy.
As the battle against Covid continues, the nation is still plagued with continuing police violence against the black community. While in the midst of the Chauvin murder trial, the nation has learned of an "accidental" police shooting in Minnesota and the assault of a Lieutenant serving in the U.S. army who was pulled over, pepper sprayed, handcuffed and assaulted; all while displaying the license tag the police require in his back window.
Today as I pen this blog, our nation struggles with yet another school shooting. We again are sending out "thoughts and prayers" while republicans continue to block any realistic efforts to reform gun control...or police violence...or wage disparity, or healthcare...or; well, anything that might make the life of the common man more fair and equitable.
And then, there is Joe Manchin. This West Virginia democrat chooses to stand in the way of the progressive agenda which is wildly popular among democrats and republicans alike. With a senate divided 51/50 in favor of the Democrats, Manchin has chosen to use the power of his one vote to hold the party hostage to his whims. He calls it a desire for bipartisanship. In reality, it appears to be a desire to buttress his personal ambitions. You see, it is clear that the party of "No" is not interested in bipartisanship and has no desire for a democratic president and a democratic congress to win. So, while Manchin's demand that democrats work across the aisle, appear noble, no one is fooled by his power play. The American people are thus forced to suffer and wait as democrats figure out a way to nuetralize their reticent 50th congressman.
But, there is hope.
President Biden has provided crucial funding through his Covid-relief bill, providing direct payments to citizens, many of whom were stuggling to meet the basic needs of life such as food and housing. The American Rescue Plan provides for child care credits, unemployment benefits, aid to local and state governments, housing assistance, school support, assistance for failing pension plans, employee retention tax credits, student loan relief and education funding. The bill also provides relief to assist rural health care providers, and much more.
Biden also has signed a number executive orders undoing the damage done by the previous administration, and addressing issues that need immediate attention despite the failure of Congress to act. (See sampling of Executive Orders below.) While these executive orders are effective in providing temporary relief to some of the problems caused by the previous administration, and many issues that existed prior to it, permanent legislation is required in order to achieve lasting change.
If the Democratic Party can hold together its fragile lead in congress... If Biden can seduce a number of moderate republicans to abandon party and serve their constituents... If Joe Manchin would stop playing "Game of Thrones" and choose to legislate... If...
Our president has a daunting task before him. He has already attacked it with vigor, and we see some evidence of the nation's revival. There are many important issues that have yet to be addressed that MUST be if we are to right this nation's path.
But I believe he has a plan. The American people must have the patience to allow him to work it. Perhaps, with our patience and support,the worst of times in this nation's recent history can truly become the best of times.
Follow the links below to access this sampling of Executive Orders
1. Establishment of Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families
2. Strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act
3.Reforming Our Incarceration System To Eliminate the Use of Privately Operated Criminal Detention Facilities
4. Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
5.Protecting Worker Health and Safety
6. Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatments for COVID-19
7. Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census