Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Champion Democracy - Adapt and Resist in 2025

 By Mildred Robertson

Well, 2024 has been a year. What started out as a year when left-wing politics appeared poised to take hold, we instead encountered a public that was sour on politics. While public reasoning, or lack thereof, may give you pause...many people viewed the four years under the Trump administration with longing. 

While numbers told us that President Biden's administration had done a good job of pulling us out of the COVID depression, our pocketbooks and bank accounts told us differently. The economy added more than 1 million jobs in the first three years of his administration. That is 4.9 million higher than BEFORE the pandemic. Unemployment dropped dramatically, almost reaching pre-pandemic lows. America boasted more jobs than job seekers. The nation's economy expanded by 2.5% in 2023, marking the third straight year of economic growth. The year 2023 showed a decrease in crime and the S&P increased 28.2%.  Crude oil production increased 12.7%. More people had health insurance in 2023, and Obamacare enrollment was at record highs. Fewer people were on food stamps and gun purchases declined. 

History will probably record Biden among Americas most significant and impactful presidents. But that's not what the American public responded to when they entered the ballot box on November 5th. They saw rising inflation and higher gas prices.  The real buying power of the average American declined by 3.4%, even with the expanding economy. So, despite America's rising economic tide, most Americans felt they were sinking below it.

So, as we examine the outcome of the 2024 election, it may be obvious to many how a clearly flawed nominee defeated a highly qualified candidate with both experience and a plan to use it. In the famed words of political strategist James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid."

As Americans wrestled with how to make ends meet, their focus turned inward. Trump promised to expel immigrants whom he charged stole jobs from deserving Americans and used up valuable resources. He said he would close the borders to immigrants and goods and services made abroad. He declared crime was rampant in America, and he would crush it. He said that America has been taken advantage of on the world stage and talked about increasing America's power through imperialistic takeovers of sovereign nations. 

While Trump's rhetoric is inaccurate, many Americans were comfortable with blaming those whom they have otherized for their economic instability. The economic climate is clearly improving and will likely afford Trump a robust economy come spring—an economy fashioned by his predecessor, an economy in which he will reap where he has not sown. His threats toward our northern and southern neighbors will end in the same embarrassment faced when Mexico DID NOT build the wall. But that is the nature of politics. 

So, while many of those who wished for a different outcome to the year 2024 lick their wounds, and turn off MSNBC and CNN, the world marches on. Trump is the rightfully elected president of the United States of America. As perverse as that is, it is a fact.  That is why the 50 percent of Americans who do not endorse the current turn of events must get back in the game. 

Many challenges lay before this nation in 2025.  Numerous vital decisions must be made in the next four years, with only a weakened Congress and court system to make them. Our democracy is in jeopardy, and someone must champion its cause. 

For those who love this country and mourn democracy's loss, it is time to discard the sackcloth and ashes. It is time to strategize, to commit, to work. In the words of my friend Glenn Newkirk, "adapt and resist." 

Be the champion! It is time!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Still Grateful - Despite November 6th

 Trump Won, But We Remain Blessed

By Mildred Robertson

As we celebrate Thanksgiving 2024, it may take some effort to come to a place where gratefulness can abide. Yet, God is still in control, even in the aftermath of perhaps the most disheartening election in my lifetime. I, and those who believe like me are still blessed. 

I don't know what 2025 holds for us. I am not sure whether democracy will stand. I don't know if I, my loved ones, and other like-minded individuals will be safe.  

I am apprehensive about how Congress, the military, and the courts will perform under authoritarian leadership. I fear that unchecked militants may maraud in the streets. I am concerned that some of my friends and neighbors may be dragged into internment camps, and that folks who have known no homeland other than America will be cast out onto some unknown shore.

I'm not sure the safety net will remain in place. I don't know if I will continue to receive my social security check at the end of the month. I don't know whether student loan payments will explode, or the economy will collapse under the weight of tariffs. I am uncertain as to whether the majority of Americans will continue to have healthcare.

I worry that our allies will walk away from us. I fear that Putin will run rampant and gobble up nations that cannot protect themselves. I am concerned that the end of vaccination programs will result in the proliferation of long-managed illnesses and millions will be sickened or die.

I am fearful that our society may become more dystopian, and that the strong will prey on the weak. I'm concerned that militarized police will begin knocking on the doors of those who, like me, voice their concern and opposition to an administration that I believe may destroy this country. 

I worry that the gap between the rich and the poor will widen. I wonder what the future holds for my children and grandchildren. 

Yet, I know that there is a higher power that can mitigate all these circumstances. While we may face trials in this upcoming administration, we will not face them alone.  "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." Psalms 121

That is a blessing. And I am grateful!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

America Chooses Trump in 2024

By Mildred Robertson

I am forlorn, heartbroken, disappointed, confused, and yes, angry. I am not angry at Donald Trump. He did what he did, and he was his authentic self. I am angry with America because she showed herself to be just like him.  

I thought better of her. The 2024 campaign was the most mean-spirited in my lifetime, including 1988 when the "Willie Horton" ads flooded our television screens. I thought we had evolved. 

That America would choose a convicted felon insurrectionist who disrespects women, minorities, and the poor, who is an isolationist and who uses the presidency as his own personal piggy bank over a qualified, dignified woman of color who planned to put America first and bring us together as one, absolutely blows my mind. 

I will perhaps write a more coherent blog on this subject later. At this moment it is like your body rejecting a foreign object. You just have to get it out. 

I am going to be depressed today. I may drink wine and cry on my friend's shoulder. Then I will soldier on. There is much work to be done to salvage what is left of our democracy. 

There will be dark days ahead. I pray that we survive them and that our allies continue to stand with us to the best of their ability. I pray that the chaos I anticipate does not come to fruition, and if it does, that we who love this country, those who believe in democracy will continue to stand. 

But right now, I am overcome by the knowledge that, while I love America; she does not love me back. She has revealed herself, yet again. She looks just like Trump, and it is not a pretty picture. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

America is a Gumbo, Not a Melting Pot - VOTE!

 By Mildred Robertson

As we race toward the conclusion of, what is perhaps, the most consequential election in American history, the media is frantically trying to predict the outcome. It is also obsessed with determining who can elect a particular candidate or sink a nominee’s hope of capturing the presidency.

A common narrative is that black men will tank Kamala Harris’ chance to become the first woman of color to assume the highest office in this country. Charlamagne Tha God, who once seemed to disdain Harris, has become one of her most outspoken supporters. On Thursday the popular radio host reasoned with a black male caller who stated that while he will not vote for Trump, he may just not vote at all.

 “I’m not voting for Hitler Jr. and if I had to be honest with you … I don’t trust the Democrats, bruh. As a black man in America, we done been lied to so long. Promises have never been kept,” the caller said. “I’ma just keep it a buck. I’m not voting this year … I don’t trust the Democrats and I damn sure ain’t voting for Hitler Jr. Whatever happens gon’ happen.”

Charlamagne replied. “Well if you not votin’ and Hitler Jr. wins, then you know you gon’ have to blame yourself,” Charlamagne retorted. “You gon’ have to take some of the blame.”

This type of interchange is not uncommon in the black community. Charlamagne is right that those who choose to sit this one out will hold some responsibility if the worst occurs. It is good that we discuss this vital issue within the community. However, the current conversation that lays the possible defeat of Harris at the feet of black men is an unsupported one.

In fact, Harris enjoys the wide support of black voters. In an August 2024 report the Pew Research Center reported that Black registered voters overwhelmingly support Vice President Kamala Harris over the former president. That report stated that about three-quarters of Black voters lean toward Harris, with only 13 percent leaning toward Trump. That number was derived from 73% of black men and 79% of black women leaned toward Harris’ camp.

The narrative surrounding lagging Black support for the vice president likely grows from the extraordinary support Black voters gave Biden in 2016. He captured 92% of the black vote in that election. While Harris’ numbers fall below that watermark, it is still impressive. Nevertheless, it is good to continue to seek black voters at the rate we’ve seen in the past.

A less discussed issue is the support of white women for the Democratic candidate. In an October 2024 article, CNN reported the impact of working-class White women on the upcoming election. While pundits say that abortion issues will drive women to support Harris, CNN reports that many working-class White women are torn between their disdain for the Democratic Party’s economic policies and their contempt for Trump. Historically these middle-class White women without a college degree have trended toward republicans. Republicans won just under three-fifths of these working-class White women in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 races. Donald Trump won over three-fifths of these women in 2016 and 2020. So, several constituencies seem prepared to vote against their own best interest. 

America is not a melting pot. It is a gumbo. Rather than pointing fingers at various portions of the electorate, it is more important to continue to share information that may move people, whether Black or White, to reject political actions that are not in their best interest. 

America has all kinds of people with all types of community norms. It is outstanding that Charlemagne decided to have this conversation in the Black community. Similar conversations need to occur in other communities. Such conversation can have a major impact on the outcome of the 2024 election.

In fact, each individual has the power to make a difference in the upcoming election. Each of us has something to offer about the direction of our country. Each of us is a key ingredient in the making of this nation and its future. Let’s stir the gumbo. It is tastier when all the ingredients are in the mix.


Monday, October 14, 2024

The Truth about Third-Party Candidates

 By: Mildred Robertson

Let’s get serious about our two-party system. It is built upon a foundation of local, state, and national organizations pushing a particular agenda forward. In other words, the Democrat and Republican parties' political initiatives are systematically advanced on local, state, and national platforms. Third-party candidates have no such foundation and thus are unlikely to take the top spot in American politics. And even if a third-party candidate were to be successful in winning the presidency, they would not have a congress to help push forward their agenda.  So one must question what folks like Jill Stein, Robert Kennedy, and Cornell West are trying to achieve.

In an article published on August 23, 2024, by Statista Research Department, 40 percent of voters in America would consider voting for a third-party presidential candidate. About 24 percent of Republicans and 21 percent of Democrats outright rejected the idea of a third-party presidential candidate.

It appears that many believe giving voice to a third-party candidate highlights issues that major parties can’t or won’t address. They accuse majority-party candidates of aligning with Republican or Democratic Party platforms without addressing challenges that might alienate particular segments of voters.

There is some truth to that assumption. Ultimately, however, voting for a third party can only raise these issues with little hope of the selected candidate winning and legislating based on their agenda. With so many voters willing to make a statement rather than make a choice with their vote, they fail to participate in actually electing someone.  

As in most other U.S. presidential elections, there is a binary choice. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have clear platforms that are diametrically opposed.

While Trump has a dark, dystopian vision for America, he plans to finish the wall he boasted about in 2016 and to deport all undocumented individuals. It appears that he plans to build camps to house those he considers substandard aliens and eject them from our borders. He plans to increase tariffs, thereby increasing the cost of domestic goods. He also does not believe in global warming and would increase drilling for oil and gas.

More alarmingly, he plans to seek retribution against those people, institutions, and systems he perceives oppose him, calling for the death penalty and military tribunals for folks like Gen. Mark Miley and former Rep. Liz Cheney. Miley spoke with his Chinese counterparts following the January 6th riot, assuring them the U.S. was not under threat, with the knowledge of members of Congress. Representative Cheney sat on the House Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. He also plans to purge federal employees whom he refers to as “the deep state.” He would take control of independent government departments like the Department of Justice, and replace career employees who counteracted his unconstitutional whims during his first term with partisans who would do his bidding.

While Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris has embraced many of President Joe Biden’s policies, such as providing tax credits to middle-class and lower-income families, lowering drug costs, and eliminating what she calls “junk fees,”  she is focused on building an “opportunity economy” which would lessen the burden of young people trying to buy a home or start a business, bring down the overall cost of living, and leveling the playing field by going after bad actors who unfairly raise the cost of living for the average American.

Harris is a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to choose and is concerned about Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its retaliatory strikes against Hamas. She supports Israel’s right to defend itself but also is mindful of the innocent Palestinians suffering through this humanitarian crisis.

The choice is clear. It's not the time to take performative stances to shed light on a particular issue of great importance to some independent voters. Trump has promised an authoritative government that acts harshly toward those who oppose him. He has threatened to be a dictator if only for one day.  

One day is one day too many.

If you are truly independent and wish to make a difference in America, build your party from the ground up. Establish yourself at the local and state levels. That is when you can meaningfully impact the country’s direction...one city councilor...one school superintendent...one state governor at a time. 

But until you build that structure, you have a binary choice. Even if you cast your vote for an independent contender, know that you are taking a vote from one of the two parties. Your choice not to vote for either is fruitless. One of THEM will eventually win the Whitehouse. Your independent candidate will not!

So let’s get serious.


Friday, September 13, 2024

A Divided America Threatens Democracy

 By: Mildred Robertson

We have to be better than this. We just have to! 

As I watched the presidential campaign and assessed the two candidates, I was amazed and appalled at how many in our nation accept the concepts of cruelty, hatred, misogyny, xenophobia, and cultural bias as a basis for their political views. 

The Wednesday night presidential debate made it clear that one candidate had a plan, and the other did not. It was obvious that one candidate had a clear understanding of her policies and their impact on society, and one did not. Clearly, one candidate was compassionate and empathetic and would use those traits as they lead our nation, but the other would not.  

Those who watched witnessed 42 minutes and 59 seconds of one candidate's hate and vitriol. On the other hand, 37 minutes and 36 seconds of the debate focused on the other candidate's personal history and her plans to move our country forward socially, economically, and globally. There is absolutely no comparison.  Nevertheless, the media and the American public continue to compare the two as though they were similar. 

America has a choice this November between darkness and light. We must choose between chaos and good governance. We must determine whether we will be the nation that our Forefathers envisioned, or whether we will go down the road of authoritarianism led by a tyrannical despot.  

It is irrelevant whether we call ourselves Democrat or Republican. It makes no difference whether we are white, or a person of color. It means nothing that we are rich or poor, male or female. The issue is not whether we are fiscal conservatives or liberals. The only thing that matters in this election is if we are Americans who love democracy. 

If you fall into that category, there is only one GOOD answer. One clear answer. A 50/50 America that clings to democracy is not good enough. We have to do better.  We just have to. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NC Early Voting Begins October 17, 2024

 By Mildred Robertson

Well, this election year we have endured all the drama of a convicted felon's selection to lead the Republican Party, a Democratic presidential candidate's decision to step aside for the good of the Party, and the nomination of a candidate who may possibly be the first female of Asian and African descent to ascend to the United States presidency.  That's a lot...but there is more.

America is fighting unprecedented attacks against the right to vote, the right to a woman's bodily autonomy, the right to a fair wage, and the right to affordable housing and health care. We also face the possible destruction of the democratic rule of law in this nation. Our future and the outcome of all these weighty issues and more ride on America's ability to choose wisely when we go to the ballot box this fall. 

Unfortunately, some votes in this upcoming election will be more impactful than others. The general election happens every four years when citizens go to cast their votes; however, their vote doesn't determine who wins. Instead, the Electoral College determines the outcome of the general election. 

The Electoral College has 538 electors and requires a majority of 270 electoral votes to elect the President. Each state has the same number of electors as it does Members in its Congressional delegation: one for each Member in the House of Representatives plus two Senators. Most states have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the presidential candidate who wins the state's popular vote. Therefore, a candidate may have more popular votes nationwide than the declared winner.

 North Carolina is among those states that may be pivotal in providing the electoral votes necessary to determine America's future direction. There are seven states with a total of 90 electoral votes that may determine who wins the White House this fall. They are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. 

While North Carolina may lean Republican, having statistically voted for the Republican presidential candidate more often, Democratic and Republican parties have virtually equal support in North Carolina. Trump narrowly won the state in 2020, but the state previously chose democrats Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Barack Obama in 2008. While voting for Trump in 2020, the state also elected a Democratic governor. 

So, what does all this mean for North Carolinians? Our votes may be more impactful than the majority of American voters. YOUR VOTE may be more impactful than other voters. That is why North Carolinians and other swing-state voters must become informed, remain motivated, and head out to the polls when they open in mid-October. 

North Carolinians can cast early votes between October 17 - November 2. Go to your County Board of Elections website to find early voting sites in your county. Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina. If you don't have one, your county board of elections must grant you one for free. You may also get a free ID card from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). Also, if you plan to vote on Election Day November 5th check your registration status with the County Board of Elections to ensure your name has not been purged from the roll. 

You must make your voice heard this election year, or you might not have the opportunity again. Vote in the 2024 Presidential Election either by early voting or in person on Election Day. And don't forget the down-ballot races. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Harris Taunts Trump: "Say It to My Face"

 By Mildred Robertson

Well. It appears Donald Trump has met his even change. Vice President Kamala Harris has stepped into the 2024 Presidential Campaign with guns ablaze. 

As President Joe Biden decided to step away from the campaign and allow Harris to ascend to the top of the ticket, Harris rose to the occasion, inspiring a wide coalition of Americans to pledge their support...and their money. Within days of the transformed campaign many minorities, along with a cohort of white men and women rallied on Zoom calls to raise millions of dollars and attract an army of volunteers. 

Riding on a wave of enthusiasm, Harris' stump speech takes direct aim at Trump and his many challenges, including the fact that he is a convicted felon with 34 counts against him and a sexual assaulter. Unlike many politicians, Harris shows no qualms in vociferously pointing out Trump's dark personal shortcomings. 

Of course, Trump has pulled out his old playbook, attempting to otherize Harris, questioning her heritage, calling her names, and trying to sully her credentials. That is a tall order since Harris has an impressive resume, having served honorably as both Attorney General and Senator from California and is the 49th and current Vice President of the United States. Harris is a fierce advocate of stricter gun laws, supports the Dream Act, and has taken the lead in healthcare and taxation reform.

Unlike many politicians who choose not to go toe-to-toe with the bombastic Donald Trump, Harris has invited him to join her on the debate stage. As she referred to Trump's attacks on her credentials and character during an appearance in Atlanta before a crowd of 10,000 or more, Harris taunted Trump inviting him to "Say it to my face." While Trump had promised to meet Biden anytime and anywhere, he does not seem as eager to take on this renowned litigator on a debate stage. 

He might do well to continue on that course.  Harris gained national notoriety for her pointed questioning of Trump administration officials during Senate hearings, including Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Attorney Generals Jeff Session and Bill Barr, leaving them all searching for answers to her pointed inquiries. 

Trump doesn't want that smoke!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Biden's Departure Unleashes Democratic Enthusiasm

 By Mildred Robertson

President Joe Biden took the unprecedented step to bow out of his presidential re-election campaign, abruptly ending his half-century political career.  With just 4 months until the 2024 Presidential election, one would have thought his actions would have thrown the Democratic Party into a tailspin. 

Instead, Biden led a well-orchestrated hand-off to Vice President Kamala Harris, who took up the race without missing a beat. In fact, the Harris campaign has tightened the race to a statistical dead heat in many battleground states in less than two weeks. 

Harris's nomination seems to have released a bound-up enthusiasm inspiring exhausted Democrats and electrifying independents and never-Trump Republicans with the mere possibility that she might defeat Trump in November. This new-found enthusiasm spawned an organic grassroots effort.  A broad coalition of supporters gathered on Zoom calls raising millions of dollars to support Harris's Whitehouse bid.  

The first call was initiated by Black women immediately after the President turned the reigns over to Harris. The Sunday night call attracted 44,000 participants and raised $1.5 million in just 3 hours. Impressed, a group of white women decided to follow suit. On Thursday, 164,000 White Women for Harris broke the world record for the largest Zoom call, raising $8.5 million and still counting. 

The success of these two calls resulted in a groundswell of organizations ranging from White Dudes for Kamala who raised $10,000 to Crazy Cat Ladies, all pouring dollars into the newly minted Harris campaign. 

Biden withdrew from the race following pressure from many Democratic leaders after a poor performance at the June 27 debate against Trump. While he appeared too frail for the battle, many continued to support him following his abysmal debate performance. It was feared that his exit from the race would throw the party into an upheaval resulting in a Trump victory. 

But the 81-year-old Biden drew on his years of political experience and timed his announcement after the Republican Convention, stepping on their messaging. The spotlight, meant to shine on the Republican Convention and grant them unearned press instead shone brightly on Biden and his extraordinary hand-off of the 2024 Democratic nomination to his Vice President. Harris and her campaign have dominated the press since the Biden announcement. 

Biden's decision to step down had to be difficult. He undoubtedly believed that he could defeat Trump again. However, he knew he had lost the confidence of many of those he would need to achieve that goal. Rather than fighting to convince his detractors that he was up to the job, Biden chose to relinquish his claim to the most powerful seat in the world and thwart Trump's bid for the Whitehouse.  Using a well-thought-out strategy, he passed the nomination to Harris and infused new life into the campaign. 

He will be remembered in history for his selfless sacrifice. His legacy will stand tall among America's heroes. If Trump is thwarted and Harris can take the Whitehouse, Biden will be remembered as the man who helped preserve American democracy. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Still Riding with Biden - Follow His Lead

 By Mildred Robertson 

On June 21, 2024, President Joe Biden took the unprecedented step of stepping down as the presidential candidate for the 2024 election. It was an act that knocked the breath from many of his supporters. He made his announcement with dignity and integrity, passing the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. It was heart-wrenching. It was also, perhaps, necessary.

My confidence in Joe Biden has not faltered. My confidence that the American public would be able to look past his faltering footsteps, verbal missteps, and physical deterioration was not as strong. The media onslaught, fueled by leading democrats who were willing to publicly question his ability to serve made it impossible for him to continue. While I am confident that he could have finished the job, the job remains unfinished. That is why I believe those who professed that we were "Ridin' with Biden" must continue that journey by following his lead. He said that selecting Harris as his running mate was "the best decision I've made," and enthusiastically threw his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris to top the Democratic ticket. I plan to do the same.

Harris, who previously served as a US senator and attorney general of California, made history as the first vice president who is a woman, Black, or of Indian descent. Now, she is positioned to replace him on the ticket in 2024 and break yet another glass ceiling. In addition to being the first woman of color to become vice president, she may well become the first woman to lead the free world as President of the United States.

I look forward to the Democratic Party coalescing behind this candidate. She will be a formidable challenger to 45. I anticipate a campaign that will clearly define who she is, and highlight her experience, integrity, and character; traits necessary to lead this country away from the darkness epitomized by the Trump campaign.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Violence is Not the Answer to Political Discord

 By Mildred Robertson

The events at the Trump rally on July 13, were unspeakable. There is no reason for a person to fear for his or her life just to participate in the political process. My heart goes out to the families of the folks who suffered injuries or lost their lives. That being said, the violence that landed on Donald Trump's doorstep is simply chickens coming home to roost. From the moment he rode down the golden escalator to declare his presidency, to the day that he was shot, Donald Trump spoke hate and violence to his followers.

He urged his followers to beat up protestors at his rallies and promised to pay their bail. He suggested in an online post that Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, deserved to face the death penalty. He wanted to use the military to shoot peaceful protestors in the street. He called for shoplifters in California to be shot on sight. He mocked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., with the violent attack her husband Paul suffered during a home invasion last year.

This is not to say that the assassination attempt was justified. It was horrifying! But the fact is that Trump himself has fueled this toxic political environment where one might have to give up his or her life simply for their political beliefs, whether progressive or conservative.

As a North Carolinian, I cannot embark upon this conversation without singling out gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson who just weeks ago called for the extrajudicial killing of people he considered to be enemies of Christian America. This MAGA Republican stated at a rally in North Carolina, “Some folks need killing... It’s a matter of necessity!”

There is a political necessity now. We must take these next three months to learn the platforms of those folks vying for leadership in our local and national communities. We must measure their words against their deeds. We must weigh their political platforms to determine which individuals can move our nation forward, and which will throw us into discord and chaos.

It is unfortunate that an assassin attempted to take the life of a presidential candidate. But what would be more unfortunate would be for the nation to let this travesty distract us from our real challenge.

Every American should become informed about the Republican 2025 platform. Each of us should determine what President Biden stands for. We should seek to understand how the policies he has instituted affect our daily lives. Once informed about the issues that challenge this nation and how various candidates plan to respond to those challenges...THEN WE SHOULD VOTE!

Voting is the proactive response to political discord. VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Religion and Politics 2024: It's Personal

 By Mildred Robertson

I am a lifelong churchgoer. I joined Log Providence Missionary Baptist Church when I was 8 years old, although I was 15 when I actually accepted Christ as my personal savior. So, it is safe to say that religion has informed many of my decisions throughout my life. To those who have known me since childhood, I acknowledge that I did not always heed the religious doctrine I was raised in. But as I look back over my life, I see those are the times when things did not go well.

For that reason, I believe each of us should seek a higher power in making our personal life decisions. For me, that is the role religion should play in politics...each individual's personal decision. So it is painful as I watch people purporting to embrace God's calling on us to live an upright life to weaponize His Word for their own personal gain.

Case in point, North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson who identifies as an evangelical Christian and has preached at congregations including Trinity Baptist Church in Mooresville, North Carolina. This self-designated born-again Christian has a history of anti-black, antisemitic, anti-women statements prominently posted on Facebook throughout the years. In fact, most of the public positions he holds are anti-humanitarian. During a June 30 speech at White Lake church in the small town of White Lake North Carolina he said,

"Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity! When you have wicked people doing wicked things, torturing and murdering and raping. It’s time to call out, uh, those guys in green and go have them handled. Or those boys in blue and have them go handle it.…"

This is just a small sample of the hateful, vile statements made by this MAGA gubernatorial candidate who runs neck-and-neck with his Democratic opponent, current North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein. He and other MAGA acolytes continuously call on the name of God, while spewing ungodly hatred and promoting ungodly violence. It is this kind of religious fervor that gave birth to the murderous Crusades, the Salem Witch Hunts, and many other horrors perpetrated in the name of God. I am sure God himself is horrified.

The King James Version of the Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14, tells us that God said: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Read full chapter

I have struggled as I watched the broadcast news, which I now tend to turn off after about 15 minutes of dispiriting commentary, bad news, and handwringing. It has become clear to me that there is only one way America will be all right after November 5th. That is if EACH of us turns down the volume on all the noise about age, mental capacity or criminality, gas prices, guns, border wars, women's rights, and equal rights...all important and relevant issues for the upcoming election. But as we turn down the volume on all these weighty issues that none of us can handle on our own, we must TURN UP the volume on our communication with our own personal Higher Power. We must hear that still quiet voice that will give us direction if we only listen.

When you go in the voting booth on November 5th, (and please go, no matter how disheartening the seeming outcome) TURN UP THE VOLUME on your personal guide. Listen to your heart...that is where He speaks. Because religion is not a NATIONAL process. It is a personal one. If we really ARE God's people, he will speak to us...he will guide us, and if we follow his direction, He will heal our land.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Supreme Court Creates Existential Threat to Democracy

 By Mildred Robertson

In a blog published June 22 I opined that: "While the Court labors under a cloud of suspicion regarding its integrity and which cases it took up and why; America’s future hangs in the balance. This nation stands on the precipice of disaster if the Supreme Court does not show the same kind of strength and integrity we have witnessed across this nation, as state courts held rioters, insurrectionists, rebels, and even would-be kings responsible for their actions."

Well, we no longer stand on the precipice of disaster. We are now tossed into the breach!

On Monday, the Supreme Court gave unprecedented power to the United States President...power that in the wrong hands can destroy the democratic foundation upon which our nation has stood since July 4, 1776. The Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is partially immune from prosecution for efforts to overturn the 2020 election. They found that Trump cannot be prosecuted for "official acts" taken in office but could be liable for illegal private conduct. The ruling ended in a 6-3 ruling on ideological lines with Justices Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan dissenting. 

An impassioned dissent from Justice Sonia Sotomayor said this ruling left her with "fear for our democracy." I share her fear as we face an upcoming election where polls have the racist, sexist, criminally indicted Donald Trump running neck-and-neck with President Joe Biden. She, Kagan, and Jackson envision a grim outlook for U.S. democracy. Sotomayor wrote, "In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law."    

Jackson also paints a grim picture of this nation's future, stating, "If the structural consequences of today's paradigm shift mark a step in the wrong direction, then the practical consequences are a five-alarm fire that threatens to consume democratic self-governance and the normal operations of our government."

The first ember of the coming blaze threatening to burn our country to the ground is the criminal election fraud case against Trump. That case will now be sent back to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan who must rule on whether the criminal charges brought against Trump by special counsel Jack Smith pertain to official acts performed as president or were private conduct subject to prosecution.  This will undoubtedly delay the trial until after the Nov. 5 election. The result is a victory for Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican presidential candidacy. This decision insulates him during the election, but also literally gives him a "get-out-of-jail-free card.  

So, it behooves all of us who believe in democracy to let our voices be heard during the November 5th election. No one should sit this one out. 

If I were creating the perfect candidate, Joe Biden would not be my creation. But I do believe that I share similar values with him. He will do his best to do what is right for America. He is a decent human being who will choose right over wrong.  I trust him, and I believe that history will look favorably upon his administration.

None of those things can be said for his opponent. 

The democratic party has not always done ALL that it should to make this a more equitable society. Nevertheless, Joe Biden and the Democratic party offer the best hope for America to maintain its freedom. A protest vote will be heard by few, but felt by many. 

No one is coming to save us from the existential threat of a Trump-led Republican majority.  Not the courts. Not the DOJ. Not the Congress. We must save ourselves. 

We must vote like our freedom depends on it...because it does.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

So, Joe Biden Had a Bad Day

 By Mildred Robertson

Okay. President Joe Biden looked a little shaky during the June 27 debate. Was it disappointing for those who support a strong, democratic government?  Absolutely!

But does it mean that we must accept the leadership of a convicted rapist and felon who promoted an insurrection against the federal government? Absolutely not!

As we examine the optics of this debate, it is clear that President Biden was not having a good day. It also was clear that the format smoothed Trump's rough edges so we did not see the wild-eyed lunatic that normally shows up at rallies, speeches, and on Trump Social Media. But the lies were still there.

For instance, Trump’s rhetoric on abortion was patently absurd, and filled with lies. Clearly, doctors are not aborting babies at nine months and up to days after birth. That would be called murder. He denied having had relations with Stormy Daniels, which a jury of his peers found to be false.  While his affair is of no one’s concern but his and Melania’s, the FACT that he paid hush money to keep that knowledge away from voters during the 2020 election is everybody’s business.

As voters mull over the pros and cons of each candidate, I hope they bear in mind that Joe Biden has done a lot to bring America out of the ditch into which Trump drove us.

  • He took meaningful steps to clean up the COVID mess left by his predecessor.  
  • He drove down prescription drug costs.
  • He actually PASSED an infrastructure bill.
  • He signed an executive order to allow citizenship for spouses of Dreamers.
  • He stood up to Putin’s aggression and provided support for Ukraine despite rabid Republican opposition.
  • He has attempted to moderate the conflict in the Middle East, though challenges still exist. They would exist for any president. Atrocities on both sides make it difficult to throw one's support totally to one side or the other.
  • He proposed meaningful border legislation that was killed by Trump and his sycophants.
  • While gas and food prices are high, America still leads the world in terms of financial stability. Economic indicators are moving in a positive direction even as corporate greed pushes prices as high as the market will allow. (That’s known as capitalism.)
  • He supports a woman’s right to choose.

While Joe Biden promises to spend the next four years working to continue to improve the plight of Americans, from young people seeking relief from student debt to those seeking to buy new homes, his opposition is still stuck in the past, whining about a win in 2020 that was outside his reach. 

Trump LOST that race, yet he still wants to canonize the rebels who stormed the Capitol, urinated in its hallowed halls, and threatened to hang Mike Pence. He yearns to be a dictator, if only for one day, (wink-wink). He promises tax cuts to the wealthy and continues to denigrate Black Americans by claiming that he will win their votes because of his mugshot. His promise to them…the return of “black” jobs…whatever that means.

So am I somewhat disheartened, yes, but not in despair.  I believe the majority of American voters are astute enough to know that a 2nd Trump presidency would be catastrophic. It would isolate us from world leadership and launch our democracy on a path to destruction.

We have begun the hard job of recovery from the four years we suffered under Trump’s leadership. I do not believe our democracy could bear the burden of four more years of that corrupt administration. So when you enter the voting booth, think about whether this country’s foundational democracy is important to you. If it is, you must VOTE BLUE.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 By Mildred Robertson

The Supreme Court is rushing toward its final days in this term, with much left to be decided.  With little more than a week to go, several high-profile cases remain to be heard, including cases that could reshape our nation’s laws ranging from gun control and abortion rights to social media issues. The Court actually upheld a law that bars domestic abusers from possessing firearms…a rare victory for gun control advocates, but short-lived, as the Court also ruled that a bump stock does not make an AR a machine gun, even though it can discharge as many rounds as one.

A Court that boasts a 6-3 conservative majority has yet to issue rulings on the abortion pill and some gun rights issues. Of course, the most high-profile case coming before them is the Donald Trump immunity case, where Trump argues that former presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts they took in office. They also are considering the indictment he faces on charges of election interference. He argues that the previous rule held that former presidents can’t be sued in civil cases for what they did in office. But the Court has yet to weigh in on criminal immunity. He hopes that the Court will give him a get-out-of-jail-free card. By taking on this case, the Court gave Trump a win by making it next to impossible for the case to be brought against him before the election, even if they ruled that he is not immune from prosecution.  

The Court has yet to decide on whether hundreds of insurrectionists who violently attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, should be prosecuted and jailed for obstruction charges related to their attempt to stop the certification of Joe Biden as the duly elected President in the 2020 election. That is a charge also faced by Trump for obstructing an official proceeding. The Court’s decision could invalidate more than 330 January 6 prosecutions…including Trump’s.

An example of the type of accused insurrectionist who might be cleared is Joseph Fischer who texted his boss before the January 6th insurrection to tell him that he might need to post bail.  He allegedly warned that the protest at the US Capitol “might get violent.” It is also alleged that he said, “they should storm the capital and drag all the democrats [sic] into the street and have a mob trial.”

According to the Justice Department, it was Fischer who allegedly yelled “charge,” on the day of the insurrection before running and crashing into a line of police inside the Capitol. Video footage cited by the Justice Department shows at least one officer on the ground following Fischer’s assault, after which he was forcibly removed. The FBI identified Fischer based on a Facebook post that he posted showing him inside the Capitol on January 6.

Fischer has yet to be tried because the criminal proceeding has been tied up in appeals after a Trump-appointed trial judge ruled that one of the criminal laws with which he is charged must be narrowly interrupted.  The case, Fischer v. United States, is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court. The statute says that anyone who obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding or attempts to do so commits a serious federal crime and can be imprisoned for up to 20 years.  The Justice Department has charged approximately 330 January 6 defendants with violating this statute during the insurrection.  Among the accused…Donald J. Trump.

While the Court considers issues such as abortion rights, guns, homelessness, and environmental issues, scandal looms over two of the Court's conservative majority members. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was caught on tape stating that he questioned whether a compromise between the left and the right is possible. According to audio posted by liberal filmmaker Lauren Windsor, Alito said “One side or the other is going to win…there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.” This leads us to wonder whether Justice Alito can make an unbiased decision in any controversial case. This issue is magnified when you see Alito entangled in a community controversy over flying the American flag upside down above at least two of his residences. Flying the flag in that manner is both disrespectful and an indication of allegiance to the insurrectionists.

Then, there’s Clarence Thomas who has received financial perks from billionaire Harlan Crow that he failed to declare publicly. Now, he acknowledges he should have disclosed the free trips. He amended his financial disclosure for 2019 stating that he “inadvertently omitted” the trips on previous reports.

While the Court labors under a cloud of suspicion regarding its integrity and which cases it took up and why; America’s future hangs in the balance. This nation stands on the precipice of disaster if the Supreme Court does not show the same kind of strength and integrity we have witnessed across this nation, as state courts held rioters, insurrectionists, rebels, and even would-be kings responsible for their actions.

It is my prayer that the Court holds the line and protects democracy. If it does not…YOU are the last line of defense.

You must vote for this country’s future. You must support the candidates who put country before party, who put citizens above businesses, and who put freedom and justice above anarchy.

It is up to you…because NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Men of Southeast Raleigh Fight for Community's Legacy

 By Mildred Robertson

It was a simple event held at the John Chavis Memorial Park Community Center in Southeast Raleigh. Chavis, which has a rich legacy of service to African Americans in Southeast Raleigh, was a fitting location as brothers of "The Men of Southeast Raleigh" escorted senior mothers being honored by the Chavis Seniors in a Mother’s Day Tribute organized by Joani Craven and Sarah McNeil. The group of active seniors meets every Thursday for crafts, games, and fellowship. The men served as escorts for the three seniors recognized at the event.

Anthony Pope, coordinator of "The Men of Southeast Raleigh" says the group was pleased to be invited to participate in the event by long-time friend Joani Craven. He even recognizes Craven as the one who inspired him to organize the group. “Joani and I grew up together and have lived in the same community all our lives,” he says. It was when he retired in 2021 that she pressed him to start the organization, which began with just 3 men. By the time they held their first meeting, the enrollment had expanded to 20 men. Their current membership includes about 70 individuals most of whom are highly engaged in projects supporting Southeast Raleigh.

Members were primarily born and raised in Southeast Raleigh. “We practically grew up together, lived in the same communities, and went to the same schools,” says Anthony. So, the members are invested in the vitality of this community. His fond memories of growing up in Southeast Raleigh were the catalyst for taking on the task of maintaining his beloved community’s legacy. “As I think back to when we grew up, the community embraced us.  Everybody's parents were our parents,” says Pope.

The goal of the organization is to gather men from the community who exude courage, confidence, and class and who are committed to preserving the legacy and history of Southeast Raleigh. The group is involved in activities both social and political that affect the Southeast Raleigh community.

One of the main issues that trouble Pope is the gentrification that is swallowing up property in the area. He tells his own story of how gentrification impacted his ancestral home. His mother owned a home in Southeast Raleigh since the late 80s. When he took over the property in 2011, he gutted and refitted it, doing most of the work himself, with help from friends. Property taxes on that home at that time were approximately $450-$500 per year.   But with all the new construction in his neighborhood, even without any further renovations or improvements his home property taxes skyrocketed to $4,092.  From the time his mother purchased the home in 1986 to the present, the value of the home had soared to $538,000. That jump in valuation is based on the new construction of townhomes that have sprung up in his neighborhood priced at $1.4 million, none of which have been sold. The homes are priced outside the reach of the moderate-income homebuyers who historically populated the area. They also over-inflate the land value of long-time homeowners in the area, resulting in exorbitant property taxes.

That is the plight of Southeast Raleigh. “Our community is disappearing because people can't pay their taxes, particularly the elderly. They don’t know you can ask for a waiver,” says Pope. 

To support homeowners in the areas, the Men of Southeast Raleigh have begun to hold sessions to teach people how to appeal their property valuations. The first session, which attracted about 30 people was held on April 15 at historic Martin Street Baptist Church which sits in the heart of Southeast Raleigh. A second meeting held on April 29 attracted approximately 100 people interested in lowering their property taxes.

The group is trying to inform as many people as possible about ways to get tax relief. “These properties have land that is more valuable than the houses that sit on them. I plan to plead my case on my property taxes and want to help other people do the same,” says Pope. He says that families who have lived in Southeast Raleigh for years are being priced out of the market by exploding property taxes that put their homeownership in jeopardy. That’s why his group’s efforts aim to help save families' homes by showing them how to reduce the property tax burden.  Pope says that the more people raise the issue, the more the city will be forced to examine it.

If you want to learn more about “The Men of Southeast Raleigh,” or wish to join the group visit the website at https://www.menofsoutheastraleigh.com/ or contact Pope at popea19783@gmail.com.

Monday, April 29, 2024

William Barr's Presidential Choice: Chaos and Horror, or Liberalism

 By: Mildred Robertson

The New York Post recently reported that former Attorney General Bill Barr characterized the Trump presidency as a horror show filled with chaos.  He adds, however, that he still will support Trump over Biden in the 2024 election. He reasons that “the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.”  

This is the most illogical statement I have ever heard from someone who is supposedly learned. Barr is saying the "chaos and horror" of a Trump presidency is superior to one that has improved the country, built roads and bridges, improved unemployment, strengthened healthcare, and aided in reducing student debt.

Come on now. This is partisanship gone awry. 

While Barr openly criticizes Trump for his handling of the documents case, noting that Trump puts his ego above his presidential duties and describes January 6th as a travesty, he still rails against the liberalism that accompanies a Biden presidency. He chooses chaos and horror over liberalism.


Barr is only one of many former Trump high-ranking administration officials who criticize the twice impeached, criminally charged, civilly convicted ex-president. His former administrators characterize him as an impulsive leader who disregards advice and lacks adult sensibilities. That includes former Defense Secretary James Mattis, former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton, former White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, former Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert, and the list goes on and on.

But unlike Barr, many of Trump’s former administrative officers say they cannot back him for a second term. Chief among them is former Vice President Mike Pence. During a Fox interview on March 15, 2024, Pence said he would not support Trump during the upcoming election. Pence stated that as he sought the 2024 presidential election, “I made it clear that there were profound differences between me and President Trump on a range of issues.” Pence said that Trump’s agenda is at odds with the conservative agenda he supports, and by which they supposedly governed during their tenure in office.

In light of the exodus of high-ranking officials from Trump’s camp, it is even more puzzling that Barr would endorse Trump in the 2024 presidential election. An article in the New Republic authored by Hafiz Rashid Barr quoted Barr as saying in June 2023, “Should we be putting someone like this forward as the leader of the country, leader of the free world?”

The answer to that question in 2023 was NO!  It is still “no” now.

We cannot let partisan polarization as exhibited by Barr and others like him destroy our democracy. It is unfathomable that a political leader could recognize the destructiveness of a candidate yet continue to support that candidate based on party loyalty.

When you balance America’s future with a choice between horrific chaos and progressive liberalism, the choice is clear. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, horrific chaos should never be the choice.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

A Third-Party Vote is a Vote for Trump

 By Mildred Robertson

America is faced with a major threat during the 2024 Presidential Election. Third-party candidates may throw the country into a quagmire as they muddy political waters.  If these candidates attract enough votes in the general election their candidacies could ensure that neither major party candidate can win in the Electoral College. That would throw the election into the House of Representatives, where the Republican legislators will most assuredly elect former President Donald J. Trump.

Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. seems to be the largest threat because he has gained ballot access in Utah and is poised to qualify in six more states, including three battleground states.  It is highly unlikely that he or any third-party candidate could secure the presidency, but they could have a significant impact on the election outcome by diverting support from candidates Donald Trump (Rep.) and President Biden, (Dem.)

In early March Kennedy Jr.’s campaign announced that it collected enough signatures to put him on the ballot in Nevada. He recently qualified for the Utah ballot and the American Values super PAC supporting his candidacy also claims to have the signatures to secure his spot on the ballots in Arizona, Georgia, and South Carolina.  According to a November Siena College poll of voters in six battleground states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), slightly more Democrats than Republicans (18% versus 16%) would back Kennedy Jr., indicating he could draw more votes from Biden than Trump.

The other two third-party candidates seeking the presidency are progressive Cornel West and Green Party’s Jill Stein. Stein is blamed for siphoning votes from Hillary Clinton in 2016 in Florida and was on the ballot in Wisconsin and Michigan which led to Hillary’s ultimate defeat in the Electoral College. (Note that Clinton actually won the popular vote by 2.9 million.)

It is presumed that without Kennedy Jr., West, and Stein on the ballot, Biden could beat Trump by four points. However, these third-party candidates change that math. The Quinnipiac poll and the December Reuters/Ipsos survey found Trump’s lead over Biden widens to five when Kennedy Jr. is on the ballot. A January Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found Trump would expand his lead over Biden from six to eight points with Kennedy Jr. on the ballot.

Clearly, these polls are changing daily as more voters tune in to the election and begin to make their decisions about who they will choose to lead this nation. Currently, Biden and Trump are in a statistical dead heat. One of the two will be elected president on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

So as voters plan how they will vote and for whom, it is important to weigh the value of a third-party vote. If a candidate from neither major party appeals to you just know that making a third-party choice is still a choice for one of the two of them. It is unlikely…almost impossible for a third-party candidate to win. But it is almost certain that a third-party vote is a vote for Trump. Look back to 2016. The evidence is clear.

If you are just looking for an alternative with your third-party vote, you won’t get one. You will just get Trump.

Don’t waste your vote.