Thursday, October 25, 2012

PROTECTING WOMENS' RIGHTS: Federal Court Stands in the Breach

By Mildred Robertson
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stood between the women of Indiana and a legislature that attempted to eradicate Planned Parenthood by blocking Medicaid funds. The Circuit Court upheld a lower court decision that found the 2011 law denied patients the right to choose their own health care provider. The Court acted as the Founders intended, serving as a neutral mediator and an effective counterbalance to the Indiana Legislature’s implementation of a law found to be unconstitutional.
The7th Circuit Court stated, "The defunding law excludes Planned Parenthood from Medicaid for a reason unrelated to its fitness to provide medical services, violating its patients' statutory right to obtain medical care from the qualified provider of their choice."
While this decision is of utmost importance to the women of Indiana, it has even greater ramifications for women across this nation. This Court made its decision based on fact and law rather than the highly partisan posturing that has clouded the facts of this case.
This  case does not represent our first experience in recent years where the Court rose above partisan politics and lived up to its calling to be a counterbalance for the executive and legislative branches of government. This was evidenced by John Roberts’ controversial stand on President Obama’s health care legislation. His actions surprised people on both the right and left of the issue.  At the end of the day, Justice Roberts was faithful to the Constitution, basing his ruling upon law rather than a partisan agenda. 
As the nation stands at the precipice of the 2012 election, the actions of the 7th District Court and those of Justice Roberts should serve as a somber reminder of what is at stake on November 6. As we go to the polls this election year we must balance who will have the weighty responsibility of fashioning the Supreme Court for the next decade and beyond.
With four Supreme Court Justices in their seventies, it is a good bet that whoever wins in November will have a chance to fill at least one Supreme Court seat. That appointment could dramatically change the direction of a court that currently is closely divided between liberals and conservatives. That appointment could change how millions get health care, whether civil rights for women, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and other minorities are rolled back, or whether personal morality will be codified into law regarding issues such as abortion or gay rights.  
This Court will make decisions that will intimately affect the lives of countless citizens across the nation.  So will the decision you make when you go into the voting booth this election year. Choose carefully.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

#Presidential Debate, #Obama, Romney, Joe Wilson, Statesman, Corporate Raider

The Statesman and the Corporate Raider
By Mildred Robertson

As I watched last night’s debate between President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney, I felt a chill at the simple thought of Romney raising his hand in January to take the Oath of Office. I simply could not imagine this boorish man speaking on my behalf to leaders of foreign nations. I could not imagine entrusting my future safety and security to a man that lacks the tact, craft, sensitivity and skill to understand and honor political rules of engagement, the artfulness necessary for public political dialogue and the courtesy to respect the highest office in the land.

As an American, I was offended. Romney continued the practice by Right Wing Conservatives of ignoring the office that President Obama holds and treating him with dishonor and disrespect. It began during the President’s first State of the Union Address when Republican Rep. Joe Wilson blurted out “You Lie,” disrespecting the President, himself and the American people, and continued as he was painted as “other than American” by the birthers.

In 2008, the majority of Americans choose Barack Obama to be leader of the free world. There is dignity in holding that position that supersedes the person who holds it. It is a position that all true Americans hold in highest esteem. The respect afforded the Office of the President of the United States of America is a key component of any foreign negotiation. The erosion of that respect in the halls of Congress and on the floor of a presidential debate erodes that respect worldwide.

Obviously, this was a debate. It was not expected that Mitt Romney agree with the President, but it should be expected that he voice his disagreement with discretion, delicacy and tactfulness that showed some respect for the office the man holds, if not the man. The debate format does not give license to incivility or disrespect.

Last night’s performance provided the American people with a stark contrast between a statesman and a corporate raider. The President displayed sensitivity to the plight of the American people, discussed the journey from the brink of disaster to a point of fragile recovery, and the hope for a strong rebound. Romney showed that truth, tact and diplomacy are not part of his political arsenal. He attempted to bully his way through this debate.

That tactic may work in a corporate boardroom. It will not play well in the halls of Congress. It certainly would be a disaster on the international stage.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Key Words: Early Vote, Enthusiams Gap, Presidential Election


 By Mildred Robertson

As Americans prepare to head for the polls on November 6, or before if we early or absentee vote, we are flooded with opinions, polls and talking heads that tell us what the outcome will be.  It is almost as though we are on the outside looking in--as though our opinion or actions have no impact on the outcome.

That could not be further from the truth.

The election comes down to you and me. Our individual decision will determine who raises his hand in January to take the oath of office. Our action or inaction will help determine the direction our country will take for the next four years.

Issues that face this nation are daunting. We must determine how to reign in the exploding national debt, while providing for those who are most vunerable in our society. We must balance the needs of the elderly, the sick, the poor and the young with our commitment to free enterprise and personal responsibility. We have to seek an end to international conflicts while safeguarding our shores and promoting our values.  It is imperative that we stabilize and re-energize our economy and put Americans back to work.

These are all imperatives upon which most of can agree. The problem is, how best to address these problems.

So it is not whether we believe Mitt Romney is a social and political snob, or whether President Obama is a Muslim. It is not even whether we believe in gay marriage or the right to choose. While these are issues that spark deep personal emotions, and deserve a place in the national dialogue, the question that we must address on November 6 is which man best understands the critical issues that face America and which one has a plausible plan of action to address them.

As you watch the 3-ring circus on the nightly news, you may wonder what impact you could possibly have on the outcome. It appears that the election is being decided over the airwaves, and political pundits are telling us what we think and how we will act on November 6.

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the war of words, and the onslaught of 30-second sound bites that seem to define this race. The media, in general, will provide you with a biased assessment of who the candidates are, and what they stand for, focusing upon a misspoken word, or an ill-delivered speech.

One idea the media has seized upon is, I believe, relevant. It is the enthusiasm factor.  That means how excited voters are about their respective candidate.
It appears that the election may decided, not by what the majority of Americans believe, but rather about whether they feel strongly enough about their candidate to vote those beliefs.

Somehow, each of us must wade through the overwhelming mess that is our current political process and identify the basic issues that are of personal importance to us.  Then we must decide which man is up to the task and vote our beliefs.

The political process doesn’t work if we don’t participate. The simple fact is—it is not over until it is over; and that is when the last vote is counted.

Make sure your vote is among them. Vote on November 6!

To find early voting sites in North Carolina, go to:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Key Words: Higher Education, University of North Carolina, Strategic Plan, Economics

It’s about the EconomyEducation – Stupid!
By: Mildred Robertson
The debate that rages over education in the U.S. harkens back to the days when Bill Clinton taunted George Bush, Sr. with the phrase:  “It’s about the Economy – Stupid,” a phrase that shaped the debates, and ultimately landed Bill Clinton in the White House. Well, it is still about the economy, but if you drill down to the core of economic issues in our country, you land soundly on education.
As Americans struggle to retool to become competitive in our new service economy, it is obvious that a critical connection exists between the economy and education. It is time we take a look at what are the essential components of a 21st Century education, and how best to deliver them. That is why it is important to pay attention to the University of North Carolina (UNC) as it prepares to devise a five-year strategic plan for the state’s 16-campus system.
The school has established a 27-member panel to forge a long-term plan for North Carolina’s premier public university. While the periodic need to examine and fine-tune the institution’s course is obvious, it seems equally obvious that a public institution’s path is best devised with input from those it affects.
A group of students calling themselves the North Carolina Student Power Union (NCSPU) thinks that UNC has missed the mark. They object to the makeup of the advisory panel, which they say lacks racial and socio-economic diversity. Pointing to retailer and Republican activist Art Pope as an example, the students say the panel predominantly consists of white men, many of whom are corporate executives and conservative politicians who have a record of opposing the creation of “a robust public education system” in the state of North Carolina.  
NCSPU wants the university to reconsider its membership and hold public meetings across the state to gather public input. It seems a reasonable request. This exercise is about more than number crunching. This group will be making decisions about who will have access to the gateway to economic prosperity in our state.
Of course, the economic realities of keeping the doors open while providing a quality product is of utmost importance. However, equally important is the need to provide a reasonable pathway to higher education for every citizen, regardless of his or her race or socio-economic background. Without equal access to higher education, it will be impossible to level the playing field in North Carolina.
There is no need to disparage those who have been selected to serve on the UNC panel. There is a need, however, to seek the diversity on the panel necessary to ensure that the five-year plan reflects the needs of the entire state, not just those as interpreted by an unrepresentative, and many times privileged few.
Economics is about education-stupid!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Key Words: North Carolina, Sample Ballot, Early Voting, Presidential Election

NC Voters can View Sample Ballots for Election
By:  Mildred Robertson

Get ready for the upcoming election by getting informed about who will appear on the ballot in your precinct. If you are a North Carolina resident, you can request a sample ballot for the November 6 election at
You will need to enter your name and date of birth to receive your precinct information, voting status and a copy of the sample ballot specific to your precinct. It is important to study the ballot carefully in order to ensure that your vote reflects your true wishes. Remember, even if you vote “Straight Party” you must still select your presidential and vice presidential preference, or else you will not have voted in that contest.
Even if voting a straight party ticket, you still need to vote for nonpartisan offices such as judges, issues or referenda. If you are unsure for whom to vote in these nonpartisan elections, you should research with the political party of your choice to learn more about the candidates whose ideologies best match your own.
If you are not registered, you still have time. The deadline to register at your County Board of Elections in North Carolina is 25 days before Election Day. If you miss that registration deadline, you still may vote at a one-stop voting site in the county where you live during the early voting period. You just have to show acceptable proof of your name and evidence that you live in the county where you wish to vote.
One-stop absentee voting in North Carolina begins on October 18, 2012 and ends on the last Saturday before the election. Contact your County Board of Elections to determine where and when Early Voting will occur in your area.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Key Words: Romney, 47%, Secret Video, Politics, Presidential Race

Romney Takes Aim at the 47%

By: Mildred Robertson
Apparently, if you support Barack Obama, you are dependent upon government and believe you are a victim. You also pay no income tax. And Mitt Romney is not worried about you, because you cannot be convinced that you should take personal responsibility for yourself.
These are not words concocted by PR spin doctors. These sentiments came directly from the candidate’s mouth at a closed-door meeting with wealthy donors. Romney has turned his assault from President Obama, and taken aim at the American public.
He flippantly dismisses the millions of hard-working Americans who work two and three jobs to make ends meet and still must rely on food stamps to feed their children. He does not acknowledge the men and women who rise from bed at an ungodly hour to prepare children for school and catch the bus or the train to work. He ignores the day laborers and service workers who have looked for jobs that pay more than the minimum wage, or offer more than 30 hours a week, but cannot find them. He cannot see the young people working at low paying jobs during the day, and attending college or trade school at night. He overlooks the older workers who have been laid off from a well-paying job only to learn that their skills are outdated and there is no place in the market for them.
Many candidates in the past have lauded this segment of America. Many, on both sides of the political aisle, have understood their plight. But not Mitt Romney. He has changed his focus of attack from President Obama toward you and me. He assumes that “average” income is $200,000 to $250,000, so if you fall below that threshold, you don’t really matter to him.  
He does not understand that the average American has to calculate how many times the family can eat out at a restaurant a month or go to the movies. He has no clue that many of us have to make choices between taking a family vacation and saving for our children’s college education. Some must choose whether to buy a new car or use that money for our retirement, all the while hoping the old clunker keeps going until we can get a little bit ahead of the monthly bills. He doesn’t understand that some of us use lay-away to ensure that we can have that special toy under the tree for our children at Christmas. This is a reality of working-class Americans that Romney cannot envision.
Romney does not understand the embarrassment of standing in a grocery line with a food stamp card, or the uncertainty of receiving an eligibility letter from the unemployment office. He actually thinks that these are conditions that some people desire.
If Romney cannot understand the circumstances under which the average American lives, how can he possibly govern in a way that is beneficial to them? If he cannot respect the circumstances of the full spectrum of American citizenry, how can he possibly represent them? If he cannot understand that every struggle is not self-inflicted and that every search for a way out is not a search for a hand out, how can he possibly be president of these United States?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Voter Suppression, North Carolina, Early Voting

Be Prepared November 6: Check Your Eligibility to Vote


By:  Mildred Robertson

Turnout is going to be a key component in the determination of our nation’s future direction as we go to the polls in November. With North Carolina established as a key battleground state, it is important that every citizen be prepared to do his or her civic duty and vote in the November 6, 2012 election.

If you are a North Carolina citizen and you are not sure whether you are registered to vote, you need to make sure. You can go online to check your eligibility at  There you can determine your eligibility, your voting history and where you are supposed to vote. After September 22, you also will be able to download a sample ballot for the November election.

In the 2008 Presidential Election it was 14,000 votes that tilted the balance in President Obama’s favor in North Carolina. New voting districts drawn by the Republican led legislature may dilute the minority vote in this year’s election and threaten North Carolina’s tenuous position as a Democratic-leaning state.  

Early voting has also been an issue across the nation. In North Carolina, one-stop absentee voting allows registered voters to go in person to their county board of elections or an alternative location to vote an absentee ballot. One-stop absentee voting is conducted starting on the third Thursday before an election and ends on the last Saturday before the election. This year, early voting will begin on October 18 and the last day to cast your early voting ballot is Saturday, Nov. 3. You should check with your county board of elections to determine early voting time, dates and locations. 

North Carolina residents should go to Enter your name, address and date of birth to access your voter information for the county in which you live. If you live in another state, check with your state board of elections to determine your eligibility and early voting options.