By: Mildred Robertson
We have to be better than this. We just have to!
As I watched the presidential campaign and assessed the two candidates, I was amazed and appalled at how many in our nation accept the concepts of cruelty, hatred, misogyny, xenophobia, and cultural bias as a basis for their political views.
The Wednesday night presidential debate made it clear that one candidate had a plan, and the other did not. It was obvious that one candidate had a clear understanding of her policies and their impact on society, and one did not. Clearly, one candidate was compassionate and empathetic and would use those traits as they lead our nation, but the other would not.
Those who watched witnessed 42 minutes and 59 seconds of one candidate's hate and vitriol. On the other hand, 37 minutes and 36 seconds of the debate focused on the other candidate's personal history and her plans to move our country forward socially, economically, and globally. There is absolutely no comparison. Nevertheless, the media and the American public continue to compare the two as though they were similar.
America has a choice this November between darkness and light. We must choose between chaos and good governance. We must determine whether we will be the nation that our Forefathers envisioned, or whether we will go down the road of authoritarianism led by a tyrannical despot.
It is irrelevant whether we call ourselves Democrat or Republican. It makes no difference whether we are white, or a person of color. It means nothing that we are rich or poor, male or female. The issue is not whether we are fiscal conservatives or liberals. The only thing that matters in this election is if we are Americans who love democracy.
If you fall into that category, there is only one GOOD answer. One clear answer. A 50/50 America that clings to democracy is not good enough. We have to do better. We just have to.