By Mildred Robertson
I am a Hillary supporter. I
believe, that with all her knots and bruises, she is the best person in the
field to follow the path President Obama has so appropriately charted for
America. Hillary believes what I believe. It is not something that I have to turn
to the media pundits to figure out.
She believes in universal health
care. I know that, because I heard her
voice call for it, first, long and loud, back when her husband first took
office. Her record will show that she
has an understanding of the impact of things like child care, pay equality and
paid leave on not just the women of our nation, but our entire economy.
She believes a woman should have
sovereignty over her own body, and that every human being in this country
should be treated with respect. She
knows the Black community often doesn’t get a fair shake when it comes to the
legal system, employment, education, and a myriad of other factors that help to
continue and widen the economic gap between people of color and the rest of
America and she wants to do something about it. She knows that Social Security
and Medicare and Medicaid are not charity, but an essential part of what makes
us a civilized nation and provides an essential safety net for countless
Americans who otherwise would languish in utter poverty.
She knows what it takes to lead.
She has done it in the chambers of Congress and in the board rooms of countless
heads of state world-wide. Whether it is foreign policy, health-care, the support of historically black colleges
and universities, voting rights, or sensible gun laws, Hillary and I agree on
many things.
She is Hillary, not Bill. She did
not sleep with Monica Lewinsky.
She is Hillary, not Bill, she did
not institute the current prison system.
Does she always tell the
truth? I don’t know. Do you? Does she get paid well for what she does?
Certainly! Isn’t that your goal in life as well?
I do know that if the media dug
around in my past as they have hers, they would probably come up with a thing
or two that would make me look somewhat unattractive. I do not always make the
right choice. Sometimes, over a 30-year span, I get new information or a new
perspective, and sometimes I simply change my mind. How about you?
I want to vote for Hillary in
November. That doesn’t mean that I think she is perfect, but I believe she is
the best prepared and positioned candidate to be the 2016 standard bearer for
Americans who want to move this country forward.
However, if Hillary does not win
the Democratic nomination…if Bernie Sanders comes out victorious in July and
successfully captures the nomination, I will NOT take my marbles and go home. I
will gladly walk into the voting booth on November 8 and cast my vote for Bernie
I understand that Sanders speaks to many Progressives in a way he does not speak to me. I understand the
fervor. After all, I was a die-hard Obama fan when folks were saying “Obama
who?” I know what it means to see something in a candidate that no one else
sees, and to passionately believe that the person can make a difference. So I
get it.
What I don’t get, is the decision
by many Sanders supporters to vote for Sanders or no one. When you look at it
up close, you could change all the “she believes” in my previous statements,
and write “he believes” and there would be very little daylight between the
The opposition is another story
entirely. Any Republican candidate put forth thus far spells disaster for this
country and every part of the Progressive agenda. For any Progressive supporter
to opt out of this election because his or her preferred candidate fails to
gain the Party nomination is immature, short-sighted and dangerous.
Remain in play.
Defeat the REAL enemy.
That enemy’s name is neither Bernie
nor Hillary.