Sunday, June 16, 2019

It is Time to Impeach!

By Mildred Robertson

In the words of Patrick Henry, “It is now time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” In fact, it is past time. Trump has systematically attacked the very fabric of this nation, stepping over every line the Founding Fathers so carefully laid to maintain our Democracy. From the moment he descended the elevator in Trump Tower he has degraded the morals and the basic humanity that has set our nation apart from most other nations in the world. 

There is a litany of misdeeds and even crimes that can be attributed to this administration, but the most frightening is his quips regarding extending his presidency past the 8 years the Constitution allows. While many may see these statements as simply jest, if you watch this man, you will see that, like a spoiled child, he will test the boundaries to see how far he can go. This court jester would be king if the American public would allow it. We must not.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. It is time for Americans…all Americans…Democrat, Republican, Independent, liberal, conservative or those in the middle of the road to say ENOUGH!
His childish name calling seemed not to be enough. His mocking of a physically challenged individual was not enough. His disparaging remarks about a Gold Star family was not enough. His insults toward Senator McCain were not enough. His complicity with Russia to thwart free and fair elections was not enough. His embrace of racial disharmony and hatred were not enough. His clownish antics on the world stage were not enough. His appointment of unqualified government officials was not enough, his nepotism was not enough. His disrespect for women and minorities was not enough. So what will be the thing that makes Americans see clearly the threat this man represents for our nation. What will it take to move to action those we’ve invested with the power to exert checks and balances on the authority of a rogue president?
It appears to me that there already exists ample evidence that the current administration is a clear and present danger to our country’s wellbeing. Yet those in power continue to wrestle with how and when, or even whether they should exert that authority.
If those in power, both Democrat and Republican, do not do their constitutional duty to hold this president responsible for his misdeeds, we will plunge toward our demise as a democracy. We are on a slippery slope toward authoritarianism and something must be done to stop our descent.  
When this chapter of American history closes, I want to stand on the side of democracy and sound governance. It is time to put an end to the chaos that is the Trump administration. It is time to impeach!

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