By Mildred Robertson
Donald Trump has a successful formula he uses to defeat his adversaries. He taunts. He misinforms. He intimidates. He gaslights. He fear-mongers and he name calls. These tactics have worked against his republican and democrat opponents, the media and various individuals and ethnic groups. But Trump has a problem. You see, Covid-19 doesn't care about any of these tactics.
He can call Covid-19 the "Chinese" virus. Covid-19 doesn't care. It soldiers on, increasing it's daily body count. He can lie about its spread, but Covid-19 continues it march across the continental USA, taking the lives of those it pleases. He can blame the lack of preparedness for this epidemic on previous administrations, but Covid-19's accelerating spread continues to highlight the Trump administration's lack of strategy and leadership in the fight to stop its onslaught. He can have doctors, nurses and government officials fired who point out that vulnerable populations are being left without support in the fight against the disease, but Covid-19 continues to swallow up those vulnerable communities.
As of this publication more than 300,000 have been infected and close to 8,000 have died. You see, Covid-19 just doesn't care. But more importantly, this disease has made it evident to Americans from coast to coast that neither does Donald Trump.
While experts warned him months ago of the deadly threat this disease held for our nation, he did nothing. When the disease finally made its way to our shores he promised that it would quickly go from 15 infected to zero in a matter of weeks. When the disease began to spread, he did nothing and called it a hoax created by democrats. He held daily press briefings to replace the now-impossible political rallies and gave the American people misinformation. Finally, when the daily death count soared, he declared himself a "War President" and his administration began to make meager attempts to combat the fast-paced disease. It has been too little too late.
Even though he has capitulated to the experts, agreeing that Covid-19 represents a national threat, he has still failed to marshal national resources to combat the epidemic. He says, instead, that it is the responsibility of state government to safeguard its citizens.
This epidemic has made it startlingly clear that there is a vacuum in leadership in the White House. Covid-19 illustrates the folly of republicans who elected a buffoon as president in order to prop up big business, capture the Supreme Court and pack conservative judges in federal courts across the country. They could accept his ineptitude as long as they got what they wanted. But then Covid-19 came along. The problem with Covid-19 is, it doesn't care about politics. It doesn't care about Donald Trump's aspirations, and it doesn't care about the hundreds of thousands of lives it will snuff out.
Donald Trump's trouble with Covid-19 is that it makes it clear that America needs a president who cares. Covid-19 shows us that Donald Trump is not the one.
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