I get it. Covid-19 vaccination among blacks is a hard sell. America has a bad track record as it relates to abusing minorities when it comes to healthcare and healthcare trials. All one needs to say is ‘”the Tuskegee Experiment” or “Henrietta Lacks”. Healthcare researchers treated minorities as less than human as they exploited them for scientific gain. Then there is the way the Covid-19 Vaccine came into being. It seemed to have been created in a very short period of time compared to other vaccines which have been years—sometimes decade—in the making. Add to that the questionable practices of the previous administration which promoted ineffective and sometimes dangerous treatments to stop the spread of this deadly disease. It is easy to see why some question whether the Covid-19 Vaccine is safe and effective.
While many Americans worry about the negative effects the Covid-19 vaccine may have on an individual; it is clear what a Covid-19 infection can do to you. We do not have to look to India where a resurgence of Covid-19 is infecting thousands daily. We only have to look around at our friends, neighbors and relatives to see its devastating effects right here in America. I imagine that no individual reading this blog can say that they do not know someone who has either tested positive, become seriously ill, or perhaps even died from this disease. It is a fact that contracting Covid-19 could result in serious, life-threatening illness and death.
Much of the confusion rests with the CDC, which was severely compromised under the previous administration. Many experts either supported false claims promoted by the then president related to treatment of the disease, or remained silent in the face of his lies. They continue, even today to vacillate regarding what are the best practices to keep the majority of Americans safe from the disease. All that being said, I believe facts support the opinion that the COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. While these side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, they are generally transitory. Many experience no side effects at all.
Common side effects include pain, redness, and swelling in the arm where you received the shot, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea. Contrary to reports one might hear on a Fox News Channel or a Facebook post; to date, the CDC has not identified a single case where the Covid-19 vaccine is the cause of someone passing away. And data indicate that the vaccine decreases the risk of severe illness and death from the disease.
Why does it matter whether an individual chooses to get vaccinated: because, while we draw boundaries around ourselves and others in our community, our state and our nation…the disease does not. If a sufficient number of people in our community fail to be immunized, it allows the disease to mutate. It is possible that a mutation may develop that is not responsive to current vaccines, thereby putting us all at risk. So your personal decision to immunize effects each of us.
For those who are still hesitant about the vaccine, I am attaching some myth-busters being distributed by Cedar-Sinai, recognized as one of the best hospitals in the nation:
MYTH #1: The vaccine was rushed into development and might not be safe
"While the development of the COVID-19 vaccines using mRNA technology is new, scientists have been working on this technology for many years, in fact decades. We are very excited that they are now being able to use the mRNA technology for vaccines in a safe way. The reason it was developed so rapidly is because scientists were able to implement this technology since they had the RNA sequence of the virus as it was released in January 2020. This allowed them to incorporate the mRNA for the spike protein into the vaccine. Nothing about the clinical trials for the vaccines was rushed nor any shortcuts taken. In fact, the numbers of participants in the clinical trials for both Moderna and Pfizer were quite robust and very similar to the number of participants needed and required in prior vaccine studies."
MYTH #2: I'm young and healthy, so I don't need a vaccine
"COVID-19 is still a very unpredictable infection, and just because you are young and healthy doesn’t mean you won't have any of the complications of the infection that we continue to see. There are a few risk factors for severe disease that we have identified, but there’s still no guaranteed way to predict that you would have a mild or severe course with the infection. It is much safer and wiser to get the vaccine and deal with the slight discomfort and side effects temporarily than to subject yourself to the infection."
MYTH #3: The COVID-19 vaccine will affect my chances of becoming pregnant
"There has been no link between the COVID- 19 vaccines and a negative impact on female fertility. The data is reassuring regarding the use of this vaccine during pregnancy, and because the mRNA degrades so rapidly, it would be highly unlikely that the vaccine could cause issues with fertility."
MYTH #4: I can get COVID-19 from the vaccine
"What you may feel after you receive the COVID-19 vaccine is a mild fever, muscle soreness at the site of injection and fatigue. That is your immune system activating and starting to form the protective antibodies that it needs to fight off this virus if you are infected in the future. Compared to some of the live attenuated virus vaccines we have previously seen, the vaccine is noninfectious, so there is no way you can get COVID-19 infection from taking the vaccine itself."
Myth #5: I've had COVID-19, so I don't need the vaccine
"As far as we know, the antibody response that you are going to get from a vaccine is far more robust and more predictable than natural antibodies post-infection. Even if you’ve had COVID-19, it is a great idea to get a vaccine when you are able. Don’t forget to schedule your second dose for the vaccine as well. We also remind all those getting a vaccine to stick with the same platform–if you got Pfizer for your first dose, make sure you get the same for your second dose."
MYTH #6: I received the vaccine, therefore I don't have to wear a mask or social distance
"Vaccines are one of the many tools in our toolkit that we know can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, just because you received the COVID-19 vaccine does not mean you should stop wearing masks or social distancing. We are still trying to determine whether or not a person can spread the infection to others even when they are not infectious and have been vaccinated. Until we learn more, we should continue to do our part and remain masked and socially distant." Read more on the Cedars-Sinai Blog: Covid-19 Vaccine Update for Patients
For those of you who still hesitate to take the vaccine, I urge you to do independent research, which means certified healthcare entities. Not Facebook, Instagram, Fox News, “Bubba or Donte” down the street; but experts in the field. I believe independent research will convince you that the Covid-19 vaccine is preferable to contracting Covid, and God forbid, passing it on to your loved ones.
Get vaccinated. I did.
Update: The CDC indicates it is not necessary for vaccinated individuals to wear masks.
This is a very informative article, and it is right on point. I have heard all of these excuses for why people are not getting vaccinated. We'd be so much better off if everyone got vaccinated. I do understand the hesitancy when it comes to what has happened to black people in the past, but as I tell people: In order to believe the vaccine is going to hurt black people, you also have to believe that the vaccine is going to hurt white people, because white people are getting vaccinated at much higher rates than blacks. There is no evidence to support the government doing something to intentionally hurt white people.
Pastor Singleton, thanks for your feedback. I hope we can get the word out to our community. While we all are in danger of possible mutations if we don't reach herd immunity, it is the unvaccinated who will suffer first. It is in each individual's best interest to protect him or herself.
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